Blasting in Close Quarter Environments: From Quarry to Construction Projects
Join Brian Lewis and Daykin Schnell from RESPEC’s Explosives Engineering group as they host the first webinar in the Mining & Energy series, Blasting in Close Quarter Environments: From Quarry to Construction Projects. Brian and Daykin have a combined 35 years of blasting related industry experience working on various blasting projects in the mining and civil industries.
It is important for any blasting operation to protect the area surrounding the blast, specifically any nearby people, structures, and roadways. The focus of this webinar will be on utilizing various instrumentation, tools, and strategies to design and optimize blasts in close quarter environments, ranging from quarries to construction blasting projects. The main takeaways from this webinar will include:
- General rules of thumb for blast design
- Introduction to innovative equipment used for blast optimization
- Introduction to blast design software and how utilize it in blast optimization
- Proper seismograph implementation
- Explanation on the importance of a regression analysis and how to interpret the results
- What to look for in the post blast review
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