Alaska State Office Building Generator Rehabilitation

RESPEC provided an assessment for upgrading, replacing, and renovating the standby emergency generators at the State Office Building. The assessment included evaluation of the present system and conditions, review of code requirements, determination of loads and options for siting, and interconnection to the power distribution system.
After the completion of the assessment, RESPEC provided professional signed drawings for decommissioning in place of the old generator (500-kilowatt [kW] unit), reconfiguring the existing generator (900 kW unit), and configuring a new generator (800 kW unit). RESPEC assisted the owner through bidding questions and submittal approvals and provided conformed drawings.
During the rehabilitation, RESPEC worked with the owner and an electrician team to provide electrical construction observation services, which included off-hours extended administration, on site inspection during installation, commissioning the new generator, and restoring power to one breaker at a time. RESPEC’s objective was to keep the power on at Alaska’s main data center that is located inside the State Office Building.
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