Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Solutions 2035 Metropolitan Transportation Plan Interim Update

RESPEC successfully led the update of the Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Solutions (AMATS) Interim 2035 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). The interim MTP maintained a set of goals and objectives that were founded on citizen involvement, were designed to meet transportation regulations, and provided a means for measuring the plan’s success as implemented. The project involved background research and analysis, public outreach, identifying issues, evaluating growth scenarios, preparing goals and objectives, and recommending an implementation plan. The interim MTP was developed within the context of an ongoing, continuous public involvement process in the AMATS region that included an expanded technical advisory committee. Even under an accelerated schedule that was dictated by federal funding requirements, the project was completed within time and budget constraints. The project team was awarded 2015 Transportation Project of the Year by the Alaska Chapter of the American Planning Association.
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