Bartlett Regional Hospital (BRH) Project Planning & Design Term Contract

RESPEC has a long history with the Bartlett Regional Hospital (BRH) campus including work on nearly every area of the facility and campus buildings. RESPEC mechanical engineers provided construction support for the original construction for the 2006 addition, then provided full mechanical engineering services for the 2006 Addition Phase 2 where the existing hospital was modified to accommodate the Emergency Department wing addition, and mechanical engineering services for the third-floor medical surge renovation in 2011. Recent projects on the BRH campus include several renovation projects for ASU-1 and ASU-11 ventilation systems, the Oncology Pharmacy addition, and the Behavioral Health Building located on the campus. RESPEC’s electrical team has provided 4 projects within BRH over the last 5 years. Under our current work for BRH, RESPEC has documented the power system and added surge protection and created plans for other power reliability improvements.
This project included the demolition of the existing facility and construction of a new, 14,500-gross-square-foot facility comprising outpatient offices, inpatient residential care suites, general storage, and underground parking. As this hospital facility was located adjacent to a steep fill slope, our geotechnical engineer planned, coordinated, and executed the field explorations to support the design of the facility. We performed a seismic slope stability analysis of the existing steep fill slope and the proposed constructed fill slope and made recommendations to stabilize the proposed building and fill slope.
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