Idaho Cultural Resource Information System

Idaho State Historical Society

RESPEC is developing an enterprise CRIS for the SHPO office. The goal of ICRIS is to help support the administration of the five required programs created by the National Historic Preservation Act.

The Idaho SHPO ensures that appropriate consideration is given to potential impacts on Idaho’s irreplaceable cultural resources while working cooperatively with state and federal agencies to resolve effects. The Idaho SHPO reviews and comments on over 1,000 federal projects each year.

RESPEC is delivering a secure geospatial solution with the following planned modules.

  • Survey and inventory  
  • Section 106 project submission and project management  
  • Mobile field survey application  
  • Certified local government grant management  
  • National Register project management  
  • Tax credit project management  
  • Archeological Survey of Idaho collections management  

The solution will also manage fees for external users. 

ICRIS will provide online public access to all non-restricted SHPO records and serve as an interactive portal for digital submissions, tracking, and communication platform, significantly streamlining the Idaho SHPO’s review process, increasing workflow, and drastically reducing the turnaround time of project requests.