Lithium Ion Battery Metals

American Battery Technology (ABTC)

American Battery Technology (“ABTC”) is an integrated battery material supply company based in Reno, Nevada. The company aspires to become a leader in developing domestic primary and secondary sources of lithium-ion battery metals through recycling, metals manufacturing, and resource development.  ABTC currently operates a battery recycling facility in Fernley, Nevada and is developing proprietary metal extraction technology at their laboratory located at the University of Nevada, Reno.

ABTC completed an initial exploration drill program on their ~10,000-acre mining claims property near Tonopah, Nevada in the fall of 2022.  The drilling intersected a thick sequence of lithium-bearing claystones exceeds 800 feet. RESPEC’s Reno office completed a maiden resource estimation and SK 1300-compliant report for ABTC’s Tonopah Flat property in November 2022 and have since begun work on a PEA level study for the project.  RESPEC hopes to be involved with future resource estimations and engineering design work as the project advances through pre-feasibility and feasibility studies.