Manokotak Airport Relocation

Manokotak, Alaska
Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities

Manokotak Airport’s location next to an 850-foot hill precluded a viable, straight-in instrument approach, which severely limited access during inclement weather. The airport is being relocated to flatter terrain 8 miles away, near the city of Manokotak’s new subdivision. The new, 3,300-foot by 75-foot runway will accommodate Design Group II aircraft (e.g., the Caravan 208 and Beech 1900) that are used for medical evacuations and will greatly enhance safety for travelers to and from the city.

RESPEC conducted the following tasks:
Preliminary Scoping
• Wind coverage
• Airspace penetrations and approaches at existing airport
• Viable relocation sites

Public Involvement
• Public meetings, questionnaires, and newsletters
• Consensus-building for selection of preferred relocation site

Environmental Assessment

Airport Layout Plan

Topographical Survey
• Using real-time kinematic (RTK) Global Positioning System (GPS)

Design Development
• All airport facilities
• Two-mile access road
• Airport lighting (i.e., medium intensity runway lights, precision approach path indicator, and runway end identifier lights)
• Power-line extension
• New, two-bay snow-removal equipment building
• Relocation of the automatic weather sensor system

Construction Administration
• Project bid in August 2006