NMDOT Bridge Scour Countermeasure Design

Corrective design intended to prolong structural durability and maintain public safety.

Rio Grande Valley, NM
New Mexico Department of Transportation

The soil around an old highway bridge in New Mexico’s Rio Grande Valley had eroded to the point of exposing the wood foundation, which affected the bridge’s structural integrity. If left unattended, the bridge over the degrading arroyo could eventually collapse and pose a serious danger to drivers on NM Highway 1 near Socorro.

RESPEC designed the bridge scour countermeasure plans for the scour critical bridge as deemed by the New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT). Our team provided a low-cost design that protected the bridge from long-term stream degradation. NMDOT’s heavy maintenance crew repaired the structure, which included grading, concrete work, a grade-control structure, and laying gabion mattresses.

Upon completion, the bridge structure was greatly protected from scour, and the arroyo banks on both sides were aesthetically reshaped and lined with stone. Our improvements blend with the beautiful scenery surrounding the bridge that is home to mule deer, javelinas, turkeys, and roadrunners. Our quality solution led this project to be selected for a NMDOT internal award as Best Maintenance Project for 2016.

RESPEC has provided on-call drainage engineering services to NMDOT since 2014. Our high-quality work products and responsiveness have led to repeat business and a valued relationship with NMDOT.