Sennen Potash
Developing and executing an exploration program to develop a test well that successfully intersects two potash beds in the Paradox Basin in Utah.

In 2013, RESPEC was contacted by Sennen Resources (Sennen) to provide potash expertise related to their land holdings in southeastern Utah. Sennen required consulting services to develop and execute an exploration program on their Monument Potash project.
RESPEC completed a preliminary desktop review and technical analysis of the historical data to determine the potash resource potential and drillhole targets. Recommendations were made to Sennen and the findings yielded three potential targets for drilling. A drilling program was generated for the area’s complex geology, and all services were located and tendered out for bid. RESPEC coordinated all services and provided on-site project management to assist with technical challenges during drilling as well as schedule/cost tracking. Two large, distinct potash beds were identified and cored to evaluate the deposit.
The core was shipped to RESPEC’s laboratory in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Detailed core logging and subsequent assay sampling was completed on the core and sent to the laboratory for testing. RESPEC compiled the results and developed a technical report that outlined the resource potential of the property.
The deep 2,100-meter potash test well successfully intersects two potash beds in the Paradox Basin, Utah.
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