Modeling & Optimization
RESPEC is a client-focused consulting and services company that specializes in developing innovative and sustainable solutions to critical environmental issues through collaboration and partnership. RESPEC’s nationally recognized modeling and optimization experts provide clients with accurate, scientific models as well as the ability to understand the results and make critical management decisions. Our company is a recognized leader in developing models and modeling applications.
Among our staff are the principal scientists and engineers who participated in the original development of the Hydrologic Simulation Program – Fortran (HSPF). Since 1981, our staff have performed all HSPF code maintenance for the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and continues this responsibility today. In this capacity, we are widely regarded as the premier experts in all operational, software, application, and training aspects of the HSPF model. We excel in developing innovative, customizable tools for model development, calibration and validation, and management investigations. Since 1998, RESPEC staff have provided the EPA with development and enhancement support for the BASINS (Better Assessment Science Integrating point & Nonpoint Sources) modeling system. Our team has unique knowledge of applying watershed models to real-world situations that results in prioritized implementations of management practices to save money and resources. Our staff have developed over 80 hydrologic unit code (HUC)-8 Watershed Model applications across the country in the last 5 years in lotic and lentic systems, which all included detailed biochemical modeling with nutrient cycling with algal growth and organic carbon matter decay. A driving factor in the success of our tool development is RESPEC’s unique blend of water-resource specialists and IT professionals in our Information Technologies Division.
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- Floodplain Management
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- Stream Restoration
- Transportation Drainage
- Urban Stormwater Design
- Water & Wastewater Utilities
- Water Quality Monitoring
- Water Rights Engineering
- Watershed Master Planning
- Water Resource Sustainability & Resiliency
- Watershed Modeling
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