Creating a comprehensive training program for the BASINS/HSPF software to support professionals in quality watershed modeling, TMDLs, and diverse applications.
For almost 30 years, RESPEC has worked closely with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in developing and supporting critical watershed modeling tools and related applications used by engineers, scientists, regulators, and academics to evaluate, model, and manage water resources around the world. As the global expert in Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources (BASINS) and Hydrological Simulation Program – FORTRAN (HSPF), RESPEC continues to increase its major corporate commitment to offering the professional community hands-on training in BASINS and HSPF. BASINS and HSPF are considered major software tools for watershed and Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) assessments across the US.
The US EPA’s HSPF model is the primary watershed model included in the EPA BASINS modeling system. HSPF is a comprehensive watershed model of hydrology and water quality that simulates land surface, subsurface hydrologic, and water quality processes. HSPF is linked and closely integrated with corresponding stream and reservoir processes. The training experts thoroughly understand BASINS and HSPF as effective tools for diverse water resources investigations. To date, RESPEC has provided over 350,000 labor hours of HSPF-related services to our clients. RESPEC uses HSPF to model watersheds that range in size from small test watersheds to the enormous Chesapeake Bay Basin.
Since 1981, RESPEC’s personnel (then at AQUA TERRA) have developed, supported, or performed HSPF applications and training in 30 US states and 5 countries including Spain, India, Canada, Saudi Arabia, and Australia. RESPEC’s world-renowned trainers are widely regarded as the leading experts in all operational, software, and application aspects of BASINS and HSPF. As the original developers, our team is proud to be the global leader in training for this software.
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