Criteria & Standards Manuals
RESPEC has an excellent reputation for preparing stormwater manual and engineering standards; we have prepared over 30 manuals for cities, counties, and state agencies in four states. Our reputation has been built on our stormwater and engineering manual preparation skills as well as our stormwater and development regulation and management skills. This experience is complemented by our expertise in preparing other regulatory manuals, including water codes for tribes in South Dakota and land-use regulations for the town of Foxfield.
RESPEC has extensive experience reviewing drainage and development plans and reports based on these manuals. When the Arapahoe County Water and Wastewater Authority was responsible for managing a regional stormwater program, RESPEC reviewed over 160 storm drainage plans and reports for compliance with the local stormwater criteria that we wrote. We also have in-depth experience defending stormwater management designs and criteria. When the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) was involved in lawsuits claiming damage from their drainage facilities, they turned to our stormwater experts. We evaluated state-of-the-art stormwater criteria and its application to stormwater facilities design, which enabled us to successfully defend NDOT’s designs and criteria. RESPEC has performed development reviews for several large developments in the town of Foxfield, applying engineering standards, criteria, and codes to ensure that the proposed developments met the town’s engineering design standards.
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