Land Development

With more than 40 years of practical experience in residential and commercial development-related services, RESPEC provides expertise in developing residential layouts, commercial site plans, and drainage solutions as well as grading and site cost optimization. RESPEC also offers technical expertise related to water and sewer systems for comprehensive planning and development.

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Land Development Projects

The RESPEC team offers combined technical experience and engineering services for residential and commercial development to provide a streamlined and proven project management process for cost-efficient planning and development. We work with all stakeholders throughout the planning, designing, and construction processes to guarantee that your project is successfully completed without complications.

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Data & Technology

A world-renowned technology management team, RESPEC delivers proven large-scale innovations that broaden your capabilities with flexibility and responsiveness. RESPEC’s distinguished professionals bridge technology gaps and design technology strategies and solutions for your business based on the very best fit, result, and value for your unique operation.

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A leading partner in the energy industry, RESPEC delivers geoscience solutions for underground storage and alternative energy projects. Our experts and laboratory facilities provide a wide range of technical services and integrated technology solutions that span from geologic exploration to operation and decommissioning.

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Energy Projects

By combining our state-of-the-art laboratory with the latest numerical modeling software, our engineers and scientists provide tailored solutions for hydrocarbon storage, hydrogen, compressed air, disposal wells, geothermal, and carbon dioxide sequestration. Our energy project experience covers challenging geologic environments across several continents. We continue to improve the energy industry by leading US Department of Energy R&D projects in the areas of underground storage, geothermal, and carbon dioxide sequestration.

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Known for its work in extreme environments, RESPEC’s Facilities team has decades of experience designing structures in the Arctic to the Antarctic and everywhere in between. Our client base ranges from commercial and public safety, education, healthcare, industrial, and the military. We have a multidiscipline team of engineers, planners, and surveyors on staff, providing a “one stop shop” for all our clients’ facilities needs.

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Our client-focused approach to engineering and technology solutions empowers us to collaborate closely with government agencies at every level, tailoring solutions that drive efficiency and positively impact the communities you serve.

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World-renowned experts in geoscience, engineering, and technology, RESPEC is a global leader in integrated technology solutions and consulting for mining, minerals, and energy. In the spirit of stewardship, RESPEC’s unique team of distinguished professionals offers mining and mineral clients expertise to maximize project returns while respecting the economic, social, and environmental well-being of a community.

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Getting from “point A to point B” in difficult terrain or urban sprawl is never as easy as it sounds. RESPEC is well acquainted with this fact and our transportation team is prepared to take on the challenge. Whether you need an expansion of a busy highway corridor requiring the rerouting of millions of dollars in utility infrastructure or you need a runway built on layers of delicate permafrost miles away from any road system, we have the background and expertise needed to make your project a success.

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Transportation Projects

RESPEC has designed airport plans and road system designs in urban and rural locations providing solutions to the challenges of successfully building on erosion prone areas and designing new traffic patterns in busy traffic corridors and everything in between.

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Water & Environment

Featuring world-class scientific and academic leadership, RESPEC is the premier provider of water, environmental, and natural resources engineering and technology in North America. We service mining, energy, agricultural, and public-sector clients across the world. RESPEC’s broad geographic reach optimizes collaboration with regional experts who best understand an area’s water challenges, environmental issues, and infrastructure needs.

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