New BRM Initiative in Canada
Expanding a Business & Revenue Management (BRM) Initiative for Fiber-Optics Evolution to New Markets in Canada.

Five years ago, Bell Alliant’s FibreOP IT evolution began expanding its fibre-optics-to-home services in the new markets of Canada’s Atlantic provinces, including New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. For this massive project with many partners and multiple pieces of code, Bell Alliant executives needed a partner who knew Business & Revenue Management (BRM) extensively and cared as much as they did about project success. Before this initiative, Bell Alliant used BRM in a limited way but not as the powerful billing engine that it is.
Because of tight deadline constraints, project stakes were very high and there was no room for error. RESPEC’s team worked with ten integration partners to develop and execute billing and customer-service systems that would accomplish Bell Alliant’s goals. The initiative had to be completed in 11 months—from concept to implementation—in time for the new market launch.
With a significant company investment made, Bell Alliant executives conducted an exhaustive search to find the right talent to perform this difficult project. RESPEC’s professional team received high praise for successfully completing the massive implementation (which was referred to as Mission Impossible) within the time and budget constraints. Bell Alliant commended our team for having the technical expertise, the right skillset, and a great attitude. Client satisfaction was very high because the system worked flawlessly for all users and served customers as intended.
Today, Bell Alliant’s company brand is called “Fibe” and represents one of Canada’s fastest-growing television and Internet platforms and most innovative broadband communications. Fibe covers urban areas with a fibre-optic network for unified communication services, including Internet, voice, data, video, and value-added business solutions (e.g., data security and cloud computing). RESPEC’s team is proud to implement BRM solutions for the early pioneer of Canada’s communications infrastructure and a giant of next-generation, high-capacity broadband networks with more than 21 million customer connections across all services. A customer base of this size requires a powerful BRM billing engine.
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