Risk Category V Structures
RESPEC’s structural engineers are adept at providing designs for the U.S. military’s strategic national defense facilities, which are required to continue operating after experiencing severe seismic, environmental, or blast loads. We recently provided facility designs at Fort Greely and the Clear Air Force Station in Alaska. For these designs, RESPEC’s structural, mechanical, electrical, and communications engineers contributed several unique solutions to maintain a ready-posture status.
Our structural engineers are involved in the entire process, including the initial construction documents for the building’s steel, concrete, and other material selection. RESPEC also provides detailed, nonstructural element e.g., equipment, piping, and conduit systems) analysis and design; third-party reviewers; and seismic review panelists according to the Unified Facilities Criteria 3-301-02.
Mechanical, electrical, and communications systems are designed with redundancies for automatic and manual fail-safe controls to continue delivering power; heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC); and communications during failures of any individual component. These facilities also are protected by high-altitude electromagnetic pulse (HEMP) shielding. RESPEC’s designs include several penetrations of the HEMP shielding and include power filters, single or arrayed waveguide-beyond-cutoff (WBC) configurations, welded metal penetrations, and fiber-optic cable for communications to protect the electronics and equipment within the structure from the penetrating, destructive pulse.
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