Emergency Departments
Because every second counts in an emergency department, the RESPEC Infrastructure engineers resource their decades of experience to develop solutions that prioritize the efficiency, functionality, and maintainability of structural systems so that our clients’ team members can keep moving proficiently. Our cross-disciplinary reach and collaborative approach result in high-performing systems that support the strategic goals of the emergency department.
From triage and patient bays to isolation rooms and containment areas, RESPEC is acutely familiar with the operational needs and workflow of emergency departments. We understand the highly specialized, critical components needed to seamlessly protect the health and well-being of staff and patients, and we also specialize in designs for infection control.
RESPEC recognizes that emergency departments run on a 24/7 cycle, and we prioritize our solutions’ uptime to keep operations running uninterrupted. Our team will ensure that an adequate, alternate power source is furnished to protect against power outages. Our engineers offer extensive experience with structural systems to support medical equipment, including appropriate seismic capacities for minimizing movement. RESPEC’s designs also include system components that reside outside of primary working areas, which allows for maintenance without disrupting workflow.
An emergency department has no margin for error. RESPEC’s engineers pair the latest in research and innovation with established best practices to deliver building systems that elevate our clients’ operational and energy efficiency and promote better medical results.
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