DEEP Geothermal: Launching the First Geothermal Energy Plants in Canada

RESPEC has completed resource exploration and development feasibility studies for DEEP in Saskatchewan, Canada ( DEEP is endeavoring to tap the sedimentary heat to produce geothermal power from the hot brines of the basal aquifers at a 3,500-metre depth in the Williston Basin in southern Saskatchewan. RESPEC completed a geothermal-resource feasibility and mapping study that included the temperature, thickness, depth, and permeability of the basal aquifers. The pilot exploration well targets were based on the study. Drilling began on the pilot-resource characterization wells in early 2018.
RESPEC is currently leading the reservoir engineering for DEEP and has designed and analyzed several single-well and multiwell, long-term flow tests. We have designed an innovative wellfield to produce power from a challenging resource. The wellfield design will be a first of its kind to be implemented for geothermal power generation in a low-temperature sedimentary basin setting. RESPEC continues to support DEEP with reservoir modelling, geomechanical studies, and overall geothermal power project development.
1. Preliminary Reconnaissance and Surface Exploration
2. Drilling Exploration
3. Feasibility Study
4. Well Drilling, Resource Production, and Power Plant and Transmission Line Construction
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