Piney Creek Major Drainageway Plan

Mitigating severe channel degradation, erosion, and heavy sediment deposition in the Piney Creek drainageway.

Arapahoe and Douglas Counties, Colorado
Urban Drainage and Flood Control District

The Piney Creek Major Drainageway Plan was jointly sponsored by the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District, the Southeast Metro Stormwater Authority, the City of Aurora, and Douglas County. The study focused on developing a plan to mitigate the severe channel degradation and erosion along some reaches of Piney Creek and the resulting heavy sediment deposition experienced by other reaches. Water quality in the Piney Creek Watershed was significantly impacted by the sediment dynamic, and polluted discharges eventually reach the Cherry Creek Reservoir (a popular recreation area). Significant improvement in water quality resulted from bank stabilization, low-flow channel protection, and grade-control structures as well as selecting typical channel cross sections and slopes to balance the sediment load in the stream. A qualitative analysis of sediment transport was prepared to further understand the sediment dynamic within the drainageway.