Revamping Stormwater Management Plans: How RESPEC Helped MHFD Incorporate Proposed Developments into Watershed Models

The Mile High Flood District (MHFD) faced the challenge of incorporating a large amount of proposed development into their stormwater management plans for the First Creek and Second Creek watersheds. They needed to understand the impact on peak flows caused by proposed detention ponds, sub-catchment boundary revisions, and changes to imperviousness throughout these watersheds.
RESPEC provides the expertise and support needed to address this challenge. Our services include reviewing and revising the Colorado Urban Hygrograph Procedure (CUHP) and Storm Water Management (SWMM) models for the watersheds.
We carefully incorporate the proposed development details into the models to analyze the impacts of new detention ponds, sub-catchment boundary revisions, and changes to peak flows. Our team completes thorough reviews and provides suggestions for revisions to keep peak flows within acceptable ranges.
The MHFD gains valuable insights into the proposed development’s potential hydrologic and hydraulic impact on the stream corridor. Our revisions accurately represent each watershed’s current and future state, helping the MHFD make informed decisions in managing the watersheds.
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