Salt Dome and Cavern Models

Developing three-dimensional models of salt domes to support valuation, permitting, location optimization, and subsidence estimations.

1990s - Present
Gulf Coast and Worldwide
WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff (formerly PB Energy Storage and Services, Inc. [PB ESS]), Texas Brine, Lyondell Basell (formerly Equistar), Southern Company Gas, Ratigan Engineering & Consulting

RESPEC has developed three-dimensional models of many salt dome storage facilities to support geomechanical valuation, permitting, cavern location optimization, and subsidence modeling. Models were constructed using Earth Volumetric Studios and specialized data-processing programs developed at Sandia National Laboratories. Complex spatial relationships between existing caverns, dome edges and overhangs, caprock, internal shear zones, and new cavern sites can be assessed for permitting and engineering.