Strategic Project Plan for Salton Sea Geothermal Power Plant
The scope of services included developing and submitting numerous responses to requests for offers from Electric Load Serving Entities in California. RESPEC’s team member led the development and submittal of a sales tax exemption of more than $16 million, which the California Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing Authority approved.
Our team member also led the creation of a Process Flow Diagram and worked with a turbine vendor to optimize the turbine/generator and resource production facility. RESPEC’s team member assisted in developing a transmission generator interconnecting request, including System Impact and Facility Studies, and interacted with the utility.
Other aspects in which the member of the RESPEC team provided leadership are the development of a capital and operating and maintenance (O&M) budget as inputs to the financial model supporting the power purchase agreement pricing and sensitivity analyses; the hiring and management of an Owner’s Engineer to perform a Front-End Engineering Design study, resulting in technical information to support the application for certification for the California Energy Commission; and the technical portions of an engineer, procure, construct (EPC) request for proposal, with budget and options for EPC oversight.
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