Morrisville, NC—With a steady demand by consultants and academics to evaluate, model, and manage water resources around the world, RESPEC meets the need for hands-on training in Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources (BASINS) and Hydrological Simulation Program – FORTRAN (HSPF). BASINS/HSPF are considered major software tools for watershed and Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) assessments across the US. During the next 5-day training (April 16–20, 2018) held at AECOM offices in Research Triangle Park, RESPEC trainers will focus on model structure, setup, calibration, and validation for hydrology and water quality.
RESPEC’s advanced hands-on software training is offered by engineering experts for engineers. As the only company to offer this training, we feature many tools that we have developed to support the attendees’ informed and expedient use of HSPF. Many application support tools include an enhanced expert system for hydrologic and water quality calibration (HSPEXP+); a Windows-based interactive interface (WinHSPF); Scenario Analysis Manager (SAM); a Best Management Practices (BMP) Tool; and an interactive database of HSPF model parameters (HSPFParm).
Our comprehensive training blends model understanding and model application instruction. Despite its breadth and complexity, this training ensures that attendees have an opportunity to be “up and running” for their specific needs. Attendees can clarify the relevance of lectures and experience hands-on computer sessions regarding the specific applications that are of most interest to them.
Click here to find out more details on our 2018 Basins/HSPF workshop page:
Morrisville, North Carolina
April 16-20, 2018
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