Crater of Diamonds
Preparing a Request for Proposal for a feasibility study to solicit interest from mining companies to participate in mining of the reserve and managing and providing construction management services during the drilling program.

To complete the feasibility study of the Crater of Diamonds State Park in Arkansas, RESPEC prepared the Requests for Proposals and developed an Evaluation Program Agreement to solicit interest from major mining companies to participate in the site evaluation and possible mining of the reserve.
After obtaining international participation in the project, RESPEC became the project manager for the Phase I testing program, which included preparing technical specifications and selecting a contractor for the drilling program. RESPEC also provided construction-management services during the drilling program. Phase I was interrupted by an injunction from environmental groups; as a result, RESPEC testified in federal court and assisted in developing briefs to the US Court of Appeals.
Based on a favorable outcome from the US Court of Appeals, RESPEC prepared the “Temporary Non-Conforming Use” application to the US Department of Interior for the Phase II bulk-sampling program. This application included an Environmental Assessment (EA) of the project in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act requirements to demonstrate that the proposed action did not have a significant effect and that a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) could be granted. After reviewing the EA, a FONSI was granted.
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